- Antenatal Care (Maternity)
- Care of the Elderly
- Cervical Check
- Contraception – including Mirena and Jaydess intrauterine contraceptive devices, and Implanon subdermal contraceptive devices.
- Cryotherapy
- Diabetes Care
- General Medical Care
- Health Screening
- Insurance Medical Examinations
- Long-term Illness Management
- Mens Health
- Women’s Health
- Vaccinations
- 24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring
Repeat prescription requests will only be accepted in writing.
Repeat prescriptions: – We aim to complete your prescription request within 48 hours. Verbal requests/phone requests are discouraged for safety reasons. A written list of medications may be dropped into the dedicated box in the surgery or posted to the surgery. Prescription sheets are available in the waiting room or from reception if needed or should you need a list of your medications please let reception know in advance.